We made a video of our amazing diving encounters thus far in 2020 in the gorgeous Western Caribbean Bay Islands of Honduras (Roatan, Guanaja, Utila, and Cayos Cochinos). Unfortunately, we couldn't really upload the video until now, file size just under a gig with our Roatan WiFi has been an impossible load. Check it out below when you've got the time, it's a few minutes of fun from SCUBA Excursions on our Sailing Charter Experiences! There are up close moments with sharks, turtles, rays, incredible, delicate little marine life like long snout seahorses, it's all there like the song says, unda the sea.
Let us know what you think of it in the comments! Oh, and Happy Mother's Day to all the moms, aunts, daughters, and nieces out there!! Y'all really do make the world go round! Much love to each and every one of you on this special day!
Ah !!! It’s awesome ‘ I sure miss those waters !!! You did a beautiful job putting it altogether ❤️ Thank you for sharing