Happy World Oceans Day! Not sure what that means? Neither were we, but today is World Oceans Day, nonetheless. The theme of World Ocean Day 2021 is: the Ocean: Life & Livelihood. We've been lucky to have so many unforgettable experiences, both on the water, sailing the Western Caribbean Bay Islands of Honduras, and under the water, SCUBA diving in the crystal clear, eighty degree aquamarine sea, teeming with marine life on the MesoAmerican barrier reef.

The Oceans + Habitats program highlights the pivotal role the oceans play in sustaining life on our planet, and seeks to inform officials, and track the progress of protected areas around the globe. We need more tools like this that local officials can utilize to harness the resources needed to do the hard work of making sure protected areas are actually protected.

The Conservation Action Focus aims to preserve at least 30% of our oceans for the health of our planet. This is an admirable goal, of course, but we also need enforcement of regulations in existing marine protected areas. What good is designating the whole ocean a MPA if no one is actually going to enforce the rules or stop the illegal commercial fishing?

All of Roatan and the Bay Islands of Honduras, including Utila, Guanaja, and Cayos Cochinos, are marine protected areas, spaces to be treasured, cherished, and revered. Want to do something to help out, think about donating to the Roatan Marine Park. They do all kinds of good stuff, from coral conservation, education, and more, getting involved in trying to make sure that these islands stay protected and pristine forever.

We're booking dates for the upcoming Holiday Season, when we will finally be back on the island that we love so much, so let us know if you've got any particular dates in mind, and we'll make sure to craft an experience that you'll never forget!